19.07.2024 - Dario Digregorio - 8 min read Part 1: The Basics Flutter CI/CD with Fastlane and GitHub Actions


If you’re looking to streamline your Flutter app’s deployment to the AppStore and PlayStore, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll be using Fastlane and GitHub Actions to automate our workflow. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have an automated pipeline that builds and deploys your Flutter app to your preferred app stores. In this guide we will skip all the setup and configuration of Fastlane and GitHub Actions, and focus on the Flutter and workflow-specific parts of the setup.

Repository: Flutter App CI/CD with Fastlane and GitHub Actions


  • A Flutter app
  • Flavors and environment Variables set up in your Flutter app. You can follow the official Flutter guide to set this up.
  • You should be able to build a release version for Android and iOS. You can follow the Android guide and iOS guide to set this up.
  • A GitHub account with your app repo.
  • Fastlane installed on your local machine. You can follow the official Fastlane installation guide.
  • AppStore and PlayStore accounts ready for deployment with your app project setup.
  • Follow the initial CD Flutter Guide to set up the Fastlane folders in your Flutter project.

When you have completed all the prerequisites, you should have the following project structure with Fastlane folders in both iOS and Android folders:

- android
  - fastlane
    - Appfile
    - Fastfile
- ios
  - fastlane
    - Appfile
    - Fastfile

Setting up the Fastfiles and environment

Now we will set up the Fastfiles for both iOS and Android. We will define lanes for deploying the app to the AppStore and PlayStore.


  1. Open android/Gemfile and add the flutter version plugin we need to extract the version from the pubspec.yaml file:

    # ...
    source "https://rubygems.pkg.github.com/tianhaoz95" do
      gem "fastlane-plugin-flutter_version", "1.1.15"
  2. Open android/fastlane/Appfile and set the path to your service account JSON file and the package name of your app:

    You have created the service account JSON file in the CD Flutter Guide. Make sure to exclude the file from your git repository.

  3. Open android/fastlane/Fastfile and define the deploy lane (delete the existing content):

    platform :android do
      desc "Deploy a new version to Google Play"
      lane :deploy do
        version = flutter_version()
          track: 'internal', # Can be 'internal', 'alpha', 'beta', 'production'
          skip_upload_metadata: true, # Skip uploading metadata
          skip_upload_images: true, # Skip uploading screenshots
          skip_upload_screenshots: true, # Skip uploading screenshots
          release_status: "completed", # Can be 'draft', 'completed', 'halted'
          aab: '../build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab', # Path to your AAB file
          version_code: version["version_code"], # From pubspec.yaml
          version_name: version["version_name"] + version["version_code"],
    More information about the upload_to_play_store action can be found here.

  4. Run bundle install in the android directory to install the required gems.

  5. Run fastlane supply init to initialize the PlayStore metadata. This will allow you to update metadata like app description or screenshots without leaving your IDE. You can skip this step if you don’t want to upload any metadata.

  6. Build the app with flutter build appbundle --release and make sure the AAB file is located in the path you defined in the Fastfile and to use the release signing keys. Follow the Android guide to set up release signing.

  7. Before deploying your first release, you need to have at least one release already uploaded and published manually.

  8. Run fastlane deploy to start the lane and deploy your app to the PlayStore.

Depending on your setup, you might need to adjust the upload_to_play_store action to match your requirements.

Play Store Deploy
Google Play Store Release Dashboard


  1. Open ios/Gemfile and add the Flutter version plugin again:

    # ...
    source "https://rubygems.pkg.github.com/tianhaoz95" do
      gem "fastlane-plugin-flutter_version", "1.1.15"
  2. Open ios/fastlane/Appfile and define the app identifier, the Apple ID of your Apple developer account, and the team ID:

  3. Open ios/fastlane/Fastfile and define the deploy lane (delete the existing content):

    platform :ios do
      lane :deploy do
          skip_waiting_for_build_processing: true, # Skip waiting so we don't waste precious build time
          changelog: "This build was uploaded using fastlane",
          ipa: "../build/ios/ipa/flutter_github_actions.ipa" # Path to your IPA file
    More information about pilot can be found in the Fastlane documentation. Depending on your setup you might need to use actions like gym or match to build the IPA file.

  4. Run bundle install in the ios directory to install the required gems.

  5. Run fastlane deliver init to initialize the AppStore metadata. This will allow you to update metadata such as app description or screenshots without leaving your IDE. You can skip this step if you don’t want to upload any metadata.

  6. Make sure you have already created an app in AppStore Connect.

  7. Depending on the account you are using you might need to further authenticate with an app-specific password. Refer to the Fastlane documentation for more information.

  8. Run fastlane deploy to start the lane and deploy your app to the AppStore.

Depending on your setup, you might need to customize the actions to suit your requirements. Also consider to use the actions.

AppStore Deploy
AppStore TestFlight Builds Dashboard

Setting up GitHub Actions

Now that Fastlane is set up and you have successfully run the lanes manually on your local machine, we can automate the deployment process using GitHub Actions.

Now, let’s automate these processes with GitHub Actions:

  1. In your GitHub repo, create a new directory .github/workflows.

  2. Create a new file in this directory, e.g. deploy.yml.

  3. We need to create some secrets. Go to your repository settings and add the following secrets:

    • STORE_PASSWORD: The password for your keystore file.
    • KEY_JKS: The base64 encoded keystore file.
    • SEC_JSON: The base64 encoded service account JSON file.
    • FASTLANE_APPLE_APPLICATION_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD: The app-specific password for your Apple developer account.

    To encode the files, you can use the following command:

    cat path/to/your/file | openssl base64
    Copy the output and add it as a secret.

  4. Add the following content to the deploy.yml file:

    name: Build and Deploy
          group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}-android
          cancel-in-progress: true
        name: Build and Deploy Android
        runs-on: self-hosted
          - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          - uses: actions/setup-java@v3.3.0
              distribution: "zulu"
              java-version: "17"
          - name: Create Key properties file
            run: |
                cat << EOF > "./android/key.properties"
                storePassword=${{ secrets.STORE_PASSWORD }} 
                keyPassword=${{ secrets.STORE_PASSWORD }}
          - name: Decode key file
            run: echo "${{ secrets.KEY_JKS }}" | openssl base64 -d -out ./android/app/key.jks
          - name: Decode sec json file
            run: echo "${{ secrets.SEC_JSON }}" | openssl base64 -d -out ./android/sec.json
          - uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
          - run: flutter packages pub get
          - run: flutter build appbundle --release
          - name: Fastlane Action
            uses: maierj/fastlane-action@v2.3.0
              lane: deploy
              subdirectory: android
          group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}-ios
          cancel-in-progress: true
        name: Build and Deploy iOS
        runs-on: self-hosted
        - uses: actions/checkout@v4
        - uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
        - run: flutter packages pub get
        - run: flutter build ipa --release
        - name: Deploy iOS Beta to TestFlight via Fastlane
          uses: maierj/fastlane-action@v2.3.0
            lane: deploy
            subdirectory: ios

    Let me break down what this workflow does. There are two jobs, build_android and build_ios. Each job builds and deploys the app to the PlayStore and AppStore respectively. The jobs are manually triggered by the workflow_dispatch event. To build the Android app, we need to create the key.properties file and decode the keystore and service account JSON file. Then we build the app bundle and run the Fastlane action with the deploy lane. The iOS job is simpler, we just build the IPA file and run the Fastlane action with the deploy lane.

  5. Adjust the flutter-version as per your project’s requirements.

  6. Trigger the workflow manually by going to the Actions tab in your GitHub repository and selecting the Build and Deploy workflow. Click on the Run workflow button and select the branch you want to deploy.

  7. Sit back and watch the magic happen! ✨

GitHub Actions

Whenever you want to deploy a new version of your app, just edit the version in pubspec.yaml, push your changes to the main branch and trigger the workflow manually. The workflow automatically will build and deploy your app to the AppStore and PlayStore.

Build number

For some projects it makes sense to use the build number currently used on the respective platform. There are actions to retrieve the build number from the AppStore and PlayStore. You can use the app_store_build_number and google_play_track_version_codes actions to get the build number. You can then use this build number to set the version code in the Fastfile.


And that’s it! You’ve now set up a CI/CD pipeline for your Flutter app using Fastlane and GitHub Actions. This setup will automatically build and deploy your app to the AppStore and PlayStore. Time to sit back, relax, and let automation take care of the repetitive tasks.


We are still not done here. The next guide will cover how to automate the versioning, testing and of your app with Fastlane. Stay tuned! Happy coding! 🚀


Title image by Igor Dashko on iStock

Dario Digregorio

Senior Flutter Developer