Part 1: A Brief Introduction

With this blog post, we kick off a series on evolving our Kubernetes metrics stack. Our journey to replace Prometheus with an OpenTelemetry solution begins with an introduction OpenTelemetry and why we see it as a valid alternative to our current implementation. After explaining the main parts of the OpenTelemetry project and briefly reviewing its history, we discuss the pros and cons. After reading this, you will be able to follow along our hands-on and deep-tech posts on how we optimize our metrics stack.


Mikel Jason Münnekhoff, Sherief Ahmed

Part 3: Token Exchange On-Behalf-Of

In the last blog, I provided a solution on how to overcome the character limit when logging. This time, I would like to show how to implement an OAuth 2.0-based On-Behalf-Of (delegation) grant flow. Such complex token orchestration tasks can be easily handled on the API gateway while ensuring the highest security standards which even make zero-trust architectures possible in the first place.


Alexander Suchier

Secrets Handling in Kubernetes

Committing plain .yaml files which defines Kubernetes secrets definitions to a source code management system is not very secure. This article explains why and shows two better alternatives.


Stefan Kühnel

Building and running Flutter mobile applications for Android on AWS Device Farm

This article will give you an overview on how to build and run a Flutter cross-platform mobile application for the Android OS platform in the cloud. We will cover all the steps from the basic app itself to the integration with Appium, and ultimately the deployment and testing on several devices in the AWS Device Farm.


Alexander Kroll

Part 2: Log Chunking

In the last blog, I briefly introduced Kong as a sophisticated API gateway product. This time, I will discuss a problem related to logging message size limitation and offer a solution. This problem significantly limits root cause analysis and ultimately solution development.


Alexander Suchier