Building Container Images Dockerless and Rootless with Buildah

“You cannot use Docker in our enterprise CI platform, now way! It needs root rights, thus is not secure; forget it!”, said our DevOps Chief some months ago… So we had a problem.


Adam Boczek

Personal Information Integration

Thanks to the internet we have access to a virtually unlimited amount of information. But thanks to the internet we also feel that we are drowning in this information tsunami.


Oliver Koeth

10 Lessons learnt from large-scale data migration projects

Data migration is of course only one aspect of system conversion. Usually data migration is performed in conjunction with other conversions like technology or interfaces. Nevertheless, data migration is often the most expensive and confusing part of the conversion project. So let’s revisit the handful of fairly large data migrations I encountered in my professional career and see which lessons can be drawn out of this experience.


Oliver Koeth