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Part 5: mTLS Header

Mutual transport layer security (mTLS) with consumer authentication using client certificates at the Kong Gateway plays an important role in building a zero-trust architecture. But perimeter security devices that perform TLS termination, so-called TLS terminating reverse proxies (TTRP), break the automatic mapping of client certificates to Kong consumers. This blog demonstrates mTLS consumer authentication even with preceding TTRPs, without requiring TCP passthrough.


Alexander Suchier

Part 8: Plugin Cloning

This time we explore how plugin cloning of the Access Control List (ACL) Plugin enhances API security within a zero-trust architecture. We address the challenge of executing the ACL plugin twice, first for a consumer authenticated via an mTLS client certificate and then for a consumer authenticated via an OAuth2 token in the same processing pipeline, as the Kong’s architecture prevents the same plugin from running multiple times in a single request-response cycle. To meet this challenge, we introduce the Kong supported Priority-Updater tool, which enables cloning and priority configuration of existing plugins. This blog provides a comprehensive guide to implementing multi-layer authentication by plugin cloning.


Alexander Suchier