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Part 3: Token Exchange On-Behalf-Of

In the last blog, I provided a solution on how to overcome the character limit when logging. This time, I would like to show how to implement an OAuth 2.0-based On-Behalf-Of (delegation) grant flow. Such complex token orchestration tasks can be easily handled on the API gateway while ensuring the highest security standards which even make zero-trust architectures possible in the first place.


Alexander Suchier

Part 4: SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Flow for OAuth 2.0

My last blog provided a solution for implementing an OAuth 2.0-based On-Behalf-Of (delegation) grant flow. This time it’s about implementing a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants. This flow allows OAuth 2.0 clients to obtain access tokens by presenting SAML 2.0 assertions as a form of authentication. This somewhat extended grant flow expands the scope for exchanging authentication and authorization data between different parties with seamless management, all achieved through the API Gateway.


Alexander Suchier